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     While this list shows some of our more common solutions we have serviced, this list is not exhaustive. Give us a call to get started in providing the solution you're looking for!

  • Spyware Check: We perform thorough spyware checks to identify and remove any malicious software that may be compromising your computer's security and performance.

  • Virus Removal: Our technicians are experienced in detecting and removing viruses, ensuring your computer is protected from potential threats within your system.

  • Computer Screen Repair: If your computer screen is cracked, damaged, or malfunctioning, we can repair or replace it to restore optimal functionality.

  • Internet Issues: We troubleshoot and resolve a wide range of internet connectivity issues, ensuring you can stay connected and productive.

  • Battery Replacements: If your laptop battery is no longer holding a charge or needs replacement, we can provide you with a new battery to keep your device running on-the-go and continue at its optimal performance.

  • Diagnostics: Our technicians use advanced diagnostic tools to identify hardware and software issues, providing you with an accurate assessment of your computer's problems.

  • Windows Errors: Not sure why your system keeps sending you error messages? Is your system not running the way it used to? We specialize in troubleshooting and resolving various Windows errors, ensuring your operating system is functioning properly.

  • Hardware Issues: Whether it's a faulty hard drive, malfunctioning motherboard, or any other hardware-related problem, our technicians can diagnose and repair it efficiently. If we don't have the supplies, we'll get them for you.

  • Water Damage: If your computer has been exposed to water or any other liquid, we can assess the damage and perform necessary repairs to salvage your device.

  • Keyboard Malfunctions: We can fix keyboard issues such as unresponsive keys, sticky keys, missing keys or any other malfunction, ensuring a smooth typing experience to keep the text and numbers flowing.

  • Computer Port Issues: Got a tricky audio jack or USB port? If your computer ports are not functioning correctly, we can diagnose and repair them to restore connectivity and functionality.

  • Software Installs and Updates: Our technicians can assist you with software installations and updates, ensuring you have the latest versions, the most recent security protection, and optimal performance.

  • Data Recovery: In case of accidental data loss or hard drive failure, we offer data recovery services to retrieve your important files and documents.

  • Setup Network and Wifi: We can help you set up a secure and reliable wireless network at your home or office, ensuring seamless connectivity for all your streaming devices.

  • PC Hookup: Got a new machine? Not sure how your computer was plugged in? Do you need assistance connecting your computer to external devices or peripherals? Our technicians can help you with all your PC hookup needs.

  • Printer Setup: If you bring the paper, we'll provide printer setup services, ensuring your printer is correctly installed and configured for hassle-free printing.

  • Tune Up: Just looking for that performance your computer or system used to have? We can help with that! We'll diagnose, install, update, scrub, purge... you name it. We'll get your devices optimized and refreshed to their peak performance.

     Within DYT Computer Techs, customer satisfaction and peace of mind is our top priority! Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing efficient solutions to all your computer-related problems. Whether in person, or via remote access computer repair on applicable solutions. We've got the computer repair services for you. Contact us today for all your computer maintenance or IT support needs!

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